Welcome to the Ultrasound Direct Pregnancy Scan Info Hub
We're here to help you during your pregnancy with useful articles, top tips and more
Ultrasound Scans

Pregnancy Ultrasound Clinic Of The Year 2024 UK
LUX Life magazine has unveiled the recipients of this year's Parent & Baby Awards, and we are thrilled to announce that Ultrasound Direct has been named the 'Pregnancy Ultrasound Clinic Of The Year 2024 UK.'

Whacky wives tales boy or girl?
8 Wacky Old Wives’ Tales that Claim to Predict Your Baby’s Gender. According to old wives' tales, yes its a girl. But scientifically, no. Only one way to determine the sex a gender reveal scan!

Discovering umbilical cord stem cell banking – with Future Health Biobank
What are stem cells?
What is umbilical cord blood banking?
What can stem cells treat?
Find out more in this article

Having backache in early pregnancy?
Back pain during early pregnancy is linked to hormonal changes in the body. Read our top tips than can help manage backache in early pregnancy.

What happens at an Early Viability Scan?
Find out what happens at an early pregnancy scan appointment with this detailed guide!

When does ultrasound show gender?
Expecting parents often aren’t sure when an ultrasound shows the gender of the baby. In this pregnancy guide, we will tell you the best time for a Gender Scan and explain what to expect during a gender baby scan.

When is the best time for a 4D Scan?
Find out the best time to see your baby in beautiful 4D.

Finding out the sex of your baby
What happens at a Gender Scan? How accurate are Gender Scans? How do you choose a Gender Scan?

What can you see on your baby scan?
What can the scan actually tell you about their health and what should you look for?

Growth Scans: your questions answered
Find out everything you need to know before booking a Growth Scan.
Early Baby Scans

Having backache in early pregnancy?
Back pain during early pregnancy is linked to hormonal changes in the body. Read our top tips than can help manage backache in early pregnancy.

Your Baby During the First Trimester
Find out how your baby develops during your first trimester. From the size of a poppy seed to a lime, your baby works very hard to grow during this time.

What happens at an Early Viability Scan?
Find out what happens at an early pregnancy scan appointment with this detailed guide!
Diagnostic Scans

Your questions answered about the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
Could your baby have Downs' syndrome?

Why might you need a Cervical Length Scan during pregnancy?
Find out what happens to your cervix during pregnancy, what a cervical length scan measures and why you might need one.